Pop songs

© YouTube Sony CSL

The first pop song composed in the Beatles’ style by an artificial intelligence “Daddy’s car” was in 2016. To achieve this catchy melody, AI began by feeding off 13,000 scores of different styles of music to create a musical culture . . . like everyone else.

AI & Music

© YouTube Tarry Southern

Discover the first album composed by AI (Amper software) of a young artist Tarryn Southern.


© YouTube Björk

Björk’s latest clip is the emblem of Creative Techer, with a new, slightly disturbing clip released exclusively via WeTransfer.


© YouTube ChubeMania

And for the nostalgic geeks, listen to the band Autechre, two Scots who have been creating computer music since the 90s.

Our favorites


©YouTube NoMadMusic TV


The “low tech” crush for Tangomotán, a young band, and their album “Défense d’afficher” at Nomadisme with a magnificent “concert drawn” by the illustrator Jules Stromboni at La Cigale: Live catch-up session for those who weren’t there  . . . with an original cover of “Je dis Aime” by the French singer M. If you want to hear the “original” live version of M played at the Pleyel hall with Lamomali, click  here.

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